Home Learning Support
Dear students, parents and our community,
As you will be very aware, the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has serious health implications for us all, and like with all organisations we have been monitoring the situation to decide on what is the most appropriate course of action to help stem the spread of the infection.
This page will provide access to all of our online learning resources and updates.
To begin, you may like to start by watching our introductory video, or download the student handbook:
- Student Introductory Video: https://bit.ly/LC-Online_Video
- Student Handbook: https://bit.ly/LC-StudentHandbook
To keep up to date with the latest latest news, there are two main options:
- Via our Home Page: https://www.www.lowanna.vic.edu.au
- Via our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lowannacollege
To begin exploring learning resources, students will need to access Compass. There is a link on our home page, or you can click here: https://lowanna-vic.compass.education/
In addition to Compass, the College utilises a range of online platforms.
- Microsoft Office 365
- ClickView
- Stile
- Maths Essential Assessment
- Edrolo
Student Account Login
Username : studentid@lowanna.vic.edu.au
Password : xxxxxx